Sunday, May 23, 2010

NYC sweeps Lugano, Switzerland

Hello dearest friends and family. Sorry for the delay, but I am here in Switzerland, safe and sound, and having quite the adventure. As one can expect, an event is rarely what you truly anticipated, but that can both disappoint as well as wonderfully surprise you.

NYC was a blast. Our family friend Joshua treated me so well! Putting me up, touring me to broadway shows ("A Behanding in Spokane" written by Martin McDonough starring Christopher Walken and Sam Rockwell, "Passion Play" written by Sarah Ruhl, and the musical "Next to Normal") hiking me to parks around the city, and as always-to Musical Mondays at the gay bar Splash! I got to spend time with my long time best friend Marissa Miller who got me into a free surprise INCREDIBLE concert of The Black Keys. Overall, I had wonderful time and it was a glorious transition!

Classic Janessa moment: because i decided to bring my entire life with my to Switzerland I was lugging two 50lb. bags around NYC by myself, looking like a complete idiot. On my way to Hoboken to get Joshua i had to take an escalator with all my bags and an ukulele. Result: the bags fell on me, I fell down the escalator and the kind people of NY had to help me up. Not my best moment.

As for Lugano, it's more gorgeous than pictures can express. Greengreengreen rolling hills, a large shining lake, mountains in the backdrop, classic European alleyways and architecture, and vespas everywhere you turn. I feel so very fortunate to be living here and daily partaking in all of this town's wonderful pleasures.

The de Sanctis family of whom I am staying with are delightful. Their children are well mannered, very happy, extremely intelligent, and soooooo full of energy! (As children should be, right?) The parents are very down to earth and have been very helpful and understanding in this strange and new process. I am thankful to have a family I click with so well. They are honest, open, understanding, and adventuresome. All traits I work and hope to possess.

As with all transitions, there have been difficulties. One realizes what one has when it has been compromised, and my independence is something i miss. In many ways, I am like a new child. I do not know how to communicate with the locals, I cannot transport myself, as of recent I had no friends (I finally worked up the nerve and went to an American Bar solo and made friends with the bar owner and his crew. I will be spending much time with them, hopefully!!!) and I depend on the de Sanctis family for my food, my shelter, my words, my transport, my safety and security. I have digressed in terms of autonomy. But I consider it a trade: I get to be carted around Europe by a fantastic family in trade for a bit of my freedom. And it's not for forever, so "that'll do pig, that'll do."

Anyhow, I hope to stay in touch with all of you. I need pieces of home now more than ever! I think of you all often, in my prayers and my dreams, and I cannot wait to share more adventures with you.

Buona sera!

PS. I'm off to Paris solo next weekend for a bit of "me" time. Couldn't think of a better place to do it. Pictures to come! Au revoir!

For Ny photos please visit facebook photos!