Friday, April 30, 2010

You cook, they come; Part(y) II

Time is slim. Recipes are many. Hours and hours pass as the little one in a colorful apron perspires while cooking entree after entree. Eggplant Parmesan? Check. Lasagna? Check. Snapper a la Sicilian? Double check. Chicken cordon bleu? Oh yes...but wait, people are arriving at the door. The second batch of chicken isn't done. Will she have enough food? Will her toiling hours pay off meeting baked blood (not literally, the bloodsweattears of days of work in a kitchen) with thirsty mouths?
[why is this starting to sound more like a zombie movie than the preface to a party...?]

Result: Absolute success. Hungry mouths met happy food translating to satisfied bellies equaling superb conversation and vibrant guests. I had a show of about 40 friends, family, theater folk, Chandlers comrades and dog. No children, as anticipated but lots of booze as definitely anticipated. Toasts were made, shots were taken, numbers were swapped (oh yeah ;)).

Now, I know it may be hard for some of you to believe that I:
a. know 40 people
b. could convince 40 people to come to my birthday/on voyage party

And it's true, I can be a bit of an introvert (did I just say a bad word?) But if you don't believe me, see the pictures. And truth be told, I bribed them with food. I didn't actually tell anyone I'd even be at the party. I just listed the menu, and voila! Enjoy the photos. Please excuse the quality. They are 35mm scanned in; the old fashioned style, just like I like my taters.

P.S. I leave. The Country. In. 13. days. Ball is a-rollin', and so is my stomach. It's called cold feet, although it should be called "whatthehellamidoingamireadyforthiswhyamimovingwhycantijusttravelamonthatatimeliketherestofmyflightfenderedfriends?"
What? Scientific names are usually unusually long. I desist.

This one is titled "Jack's pocket o'beer"

J & G
Jack, why are you so tall?

Ladies and gentleman, the Miss Sally Tibbs
It wouldn't be a party if someone wasn't double fisting drinks.
The Three Must-Bring-Fierce
"Now this is love, dum, dum, dum, now this is the..."
Now this is one happy party attendee.

Congratulations to the finalists of the photo contest. You'll receive a copy of you, (in 35mm format). Love you all, and thank you again for a memory I will never let go of.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My birthday/bon voyage party

My birthday is this upcoming Monday, April 26th and that day also marks the 20th day until departure so I decided to combine a birthday party with a departure party. And instead of having a restaurant hosted party, I've decided to give back and cook a feast for those who have provided much for me. The menu is as follows:

For appetizers we have the famous family recipe of spinach dip, cheese/bean dip, and other various starters.

For entree we have:
-Chicken Cordon Bleu
-Eggplant Parmesan (for those of you who are vegetarians)
-Swordfish a la Siciliana
-and other small dishes and surprises

I am hand making my own cake from scratch so it should be a delicious finale!

See you soon!